The public association “Crimean Solidarity”

On April 9, 2016, relatives of the arrested, lawyers and activists united for the protection of victims of political repressions in the public association “Crimean Solidarity”. Since the beginning of the occupation of Crimea, dozens of people have been subjected to pressure (on national, religious and political grounds) and illegal actions by the occupying authorities (administrative and criminal prosecutions, detention in isolation cells and colonies on trumped-up charges).

To date, the association includes all those who stand in solidarity with those persecuted in politically motivated cases and want justice exclusively through non-violent methods.

Groups of lawyers and lawyers work to protect the Crimeans, who provide initial legal consultations for persons who are part of the so-called risk group (civic activists, journalists, bloggers, imams, representatives of religious organisations, representatives of organisations recognised as banned in the Russian Federation, such as the Mejlis of the Crimean Tatar people, Hizb ut-Tahrir, Jamaat al-Tablig).

The truth about administrative and criminal cases is covered by citizen journalists, who sometimes do not even have a journalistic education. More than once, members of “Crimean Solidarity” themselves become victims of the occupation authorities and end up behind bars.

More about the association is on their website.

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